Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems



He worked at the department until 2020. Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher. He died in 2020.

Education and Career

1973 – Graduates from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics , speciality “Radіоtechnіk».

Since 1991 – candidate of technical sciences for specialty 05.12.07.

Since 1994 – Senior Researcher for specialty 05.12.21. – Radiotechnical systems of special purpose, including the technology of NVCH and the technology of their productions.

Since 1997 –  Associate Professor of the ORT. In 2017  was renamed at the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems (CRESTSI)

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Fundamentals of Radio Navigation, Radioline and radio networks,Methods of adaptation in STSI

Research activities

Participated in the implementation of government research

Social activity

Head of trade union department IRTIS

Publications and patents

More than 50 publications, 1 patent