Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems



He worked at the department until 2021. Associate professor of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, Associate professor

Education and Career

1970 – finished the Kharkov institute of radio electronics on speciality radiofisiks and electronics. All career is related to ХИРЭ.

Scientific degree of candidate of physics- mathematical sciences (diploma ФМ № 014607 from October, 28 1981).

Scientific rank of associate professor on the department of technical electrodynamics and aerials certificate of associate professor ДЦ № 001217, Decision of scientific Advice of ХИРЭ from April, 29 1993, protocol № 26).

In KIRE (KNURE) engineered by a senior engineer, research worker, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor.

Educational activity

Basic disciplines read the last years :

  1. Fields and waves in the systems of technical defence of information.
  2. Physics 2 (Field theory).
  3. Standardization, certification, accreditation, errors and measuring.

Research activities

All researches are related to development and creation of devices and systems on waveguides and on microstrip tls.

Publications and patents

Several hundreds published works, a few ten patents.