Education and Career
1970 – finished the Kharkov institute of radio electronics on speciality radiofisiks and electronics. All career is related to ХИРЭ.
Scientific degree of candidate of physics- mathematical sciences (diploma ФМ № 014607 from October, 28 1981).
Scientific rank of associate professor on the department of technical electrodynamics and aerials certificate of associate professor ДЦ № 001217, Decision of scientific Advice of ХИРЭ from April, 29 1993, protocol № 26).
In KIRE (KNURE) engineered by a senior engineer, research worker, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor.
Educational activity
Basic disciplines read the last years :
- Fields and waves in the systems of technical defence of information.
- Physics 2 (Field theory).
- Standardization, certification, accreditation, errors and measuring.
Research activities
All researches are related to development and creation of devices and systems on waveguides and on microstrip tls.
Publications and patents
Several hundreds published works, a few ten patents.